Я знаю на отлично

Я знаю на отлично

The new series "Я знаю на отличноl" is intended for students who study Russian from 9th to 12th grade as a second foreign language. The manual is in 4 parts, each for particular class, and includes the basic teaching material according to the plan of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science for each class.

Approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science with Orders №RD 1220-248 / 03.11.2011, №RD 1220-252 / 03.11.2011, ДRD 1220-247 / 03.11.2011, №RD 1220-249 / 03.11.2011

The alignment can be found here!

re_razpredelenie_12_klass_zp.doc Свали
re_razpredelenie_10_klass_zp.doc Свали
re_razpredelenie_11_klass_zp.doc Свали
re_razpredelenie_9_klass_zp.doc Свали