Mrs. Iskra Georgieva: Mathematics as a universal language is another invaluable knowledge

In a few days, the school bell will ring again and the empty classrooms will be filled with impatient students. There they will be greeted by their teachers, ready to share not only their knowledge, but also their hearts and smiles. We are talking to Ms. Iskra Georgieva, an IT teacher with over 20 years of experience in the profession, about the place of the teacher today and whether his role has changed over the years.


To be "breastfed" with Math

Mathematics is in the life of Ms. Georgieva since her earliest years. At the age of three, she entered the Computing Center for the first time, where her father works. The machines, the magnetic tapes that spin non-stop, the employees in special clothes for sterile cleanliness impress and fascinate little Iskra, who declares: "I want to become a mathematician." She receives support from her father, who always encourages her that she can handle it and that difficult things are easy for her. Together they discuss topics from information technology and computer technology, together they leaf through thick books on mathematics and programming. Now the children are learning computer programming, and she was then writing codes in notebooks that her father and her favorite teacher at the Mathematical High School in Vratsa were checking, Ms. Georgieva recalls. Her family and teachers teach her that difficulties are not a reason to stop on the way to your dream. Participation in math competitions had a strong influence later in her future work as a teacher. At the age of 15, he faced his first major disappointment. Although in top form in preparation for a math competition, Iskra has been suspended. Today, when assessing the capabilities of his students, he remembers this case with a smile.Through conflicting emotions and a lot of tears, we come to understand that in fact the race is not with someone else, but with ourselves and at all times we must do the best we can.  Although then as a child she decided that she preferred to work with machines rather than people, ironically as an IT teacher she had to work with many different people and overcome her innate shyness. She shares that she chose the profession of teacher not only because of her strong desire to work with young people, but also owes it to her favorite teachers and the respect of her parents for this profession.


As the First there is no second

He graduated in mathematics at Sofia University. After a short teaching career in Ruse and Vratsa, fate took her to the First Secondary School "Pencho Slaveykov" in the center of Sofia, where she has been investing all her efforts and talent for 18 years. For Iskra First School is a laboratory for talents of responsible young people who have realized their free will and their vocation. For all her colleagues from First Sofia University, the professionalism of the famous predecessors is also very binding.

Distance learning was something completely new for the schools in Bulgaria. But Iskra was not surprised, she was convinced that the remote work systems she studied in class with her students could not be left unused. She only got a pair of new headphones with a microphone and she was ready. One of the greatest benefits that she finds in distance learning is that on the one hand, it allows many people, regardless of distance, age and health, to acquire new knowledge according to their motivation and need, and on the other hand, our educational system to takes advantage of the wealth of knowledge and skills of more experienced teachers.


Teacher as a profession

In distance learning, the work is far from over with the end of the lessons, on the contrary - the teachers are constantly reading, exchanging knowledge, files, know-how, preparing their materials for the next lessons. “As teachers, we continue to learn all the time and maintain our level. The help of colleagues is very important, they have done a great job, they work day and night, they are persistent and dedicated ", says Iskra. According to her, the teaching profession is extremely important for modern society.Therefore, it does not come down to entering class. Communication with children is important.It is also important to build a partnership with parents based on trust, to seek a common language in the name of a better future. The teacher himself often combines several social characters.He not only trains but also educates.

Mrs. Georgieva speaks with love for her students. According to her, it is a misconception that a student is weak. The way and time to learn the same thing in different people is different. If you believe in a child and manage to convince him that he can, and support him to give you the opportunity to introduce him to the world of science, then success is certain.

Iskra teaches 8th, 9th and 10th grade classes with a foreign language profile. To spend a successful class, it is not enough to have excellent scientific training and knowledge of the psycho-cognitive characteristics of the age group. In two ninth grade classes - one for children actively involved in sports and the other for artists in love with literature, the classes are different, but the goal is one and must be achieved. When a talented student disappoints her with his result due to laziness or frivolity, she explains to him that this is a missed opportunity for him - after all, mathematics as a universal language is another invaluable knowledge. She believes that exams and competitions are not only an opportunity to receive recognition, a prize, a diploma, but also a chance to think about how to catch up and even overtake the better ones. A chance to learn to overcome losses and move forward.And that victories and losses do not make you less valuable and loved. This is the philosophy of life that teaches children to always look forward and upward.


Summer - with biscuits, yogurt and a nice book

Although she is addicted to technology and does not leave her phone, Iskra loves sports, painting, but most of all reading books, even if they are electronic. When it is difficult for her, she returns to her memories to a magical moment. Summer mathematics camp school on Ledenika. He gets up early in the morning to run. He still remembers the birds singing, the humidity in the air, the magical sunrise, the scent of mint, thyme and yarrow ...

On the threshold of the new school year

Despite the health risk, teachers will be at work. "We have to learn in order to be able and knowledgeable tomorrow," says Iskra, adding: "Teachers and parents want the best for their children, but they have to work together, be in sync, listen to each other. Children just have to trust their teachers, because you can give everything you have to the one who trusts you! ”