10% discount for all editions


Dear clients,


We hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and that you get through this difficult situation as easily as possible.

In the course of the unusual daily life we find ourselves in, teachers do their best to upgrade their students' knowledge through new technologies and without a direct connection with them. Students need to deal with the material much more on their own, and even preparing for exams, and parents are also looking for ways to create a more comfortable environment for their children at home.


As a publisher of educational materials, the team of KLETT Bulgaria is fully aware of how great the challenge is for you. We are convinced that you will be able to overcome any difficulty and at the end of this school year some really grown children will graduate!


If you need additional aids to help the learning process at home, you can now use promo code for 10% discount in our e-shop www.учебника.бг and to secure publications with the brands Klett, Anubis, Bulvest 2000, PONS and Langenscheidt, as well as Cambridge University Press, Difusión, Éditions Maison des Langues, Casa delle Lingue, Oxford University Press.


PROMOCODE: UchaPodKarantina





Wish you health and success,

The team of KLETT Bulgaria



Don't forget either!


✅ KLETT Bulgaria Publishing House provides completely free access to all its electronic resources.

✅  The materials cover all subjects from the 1st group of the kindergarten to the 10th grade in school.

✅ You can register for access as a teacher or parent HERE.



P.S. The code is active in the period 1 - 12 April 2020 and is valid for each order. Enter the code at the end of your order and the amount will be recalculated automatically. The code is valid for available editions as of the order date



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